Looking after Ukrainian refugees in Capelle aan den IJssel

Dit is een oud bericht.

Capelle aan den IJssel looks after Ukrainian refugees, just like all other towns and cities in the Netherlands. We offer accommodation for around 200 Ukrainian refugees at the Rivium reception location. We work with the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Safety Region to arrange the accommodation for refugees in our region in the best possible way. They are responsible for the coordination of accommodation in our region.

The Rotterdam Safety Region website has the answers to many questions about accommodating refugees. This website also has a lot of information about registering to provide accommodation. The website has also been translated to Ukrainian, just click to change the language.

As well as this municipal accommodation, Ukrainian refugees are also housed by private individuals in Capelle aan den IJssel. See below for information about some practical aspects you - as a refugee or resident - could come across.

Registration with the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen - BRP)

A Citizen Service Number (burgerservicenummer - BSN) is important. For example, you will need to open a bank account and apply for financial support. You will also need a BSN to be allowed to work in the Netherlands. You will receive a BSN after you register with the Capelle aan den IJssel Personal Records Database (BRP). To do this, please make an appointment at the municipal building. Call +31 10 284 86 88 between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. To register with the BRP, you need the following:

  • You must have Ukrainian nationality.
  • You must bring a valid international passport, an ID card, or a declaration of identity and nationality from the Ukrainian embassy.
  • If you do not have these documents for your children, the clerks at the municipal building can help you and explain the options.
  • If you have birth certificates for your children, a marriage certificate (if you are married) or a divorce certificate (if you are divorced), please bring these documents with you. These documents show the relationship between you and your children, or you and your partner.
  • You will receive your Citizen Service Number (BSN) by post a few weeks after you register with the BRP.

(Change of) Accomodation

Are you no longer able to accommodate the refugees as a host family? Or do you have any other questions about refugees and their stay in the Netherlands? Please contact the Stichting Welzijn Capelle (SWC).

You can register to join via:

If you are unable to contact SWC outside of office hours, and the matter is urgent, please contact the police:

Financial Support and Work

Every Ukrainian refugee has the right to financial support. As explained above, you need a Citizen Service Number (BSN) to apply for financial support. As soon as you receive your BSN, you can go to a Dutch bank to open a bank account. You need this bank account to receive your financial support.

If you have any questions about how to apply for financial support or looking for a job, check out the website of IJsselgemeenten or send an e-mail to socialezaken@ijsselgemeenten.nl

Help available from Stichting Welzijn Capelle

Stichting Welzijn Capelle (SWC) is Capelle aan den IJssel’s welfare organisation. This organisation provides help, information, and advice to anyone living in Capelle. SWC also supports refugees and the host families for the Ukrainian refugees.

SWC can help with all your questions about (mental) health, your home situation, (voluntary) work, school, finances, and issues experienced or caused by children and young people. You can also contact SWC if you, for example, have received a letter you don’t understand. Or to ask for help applying for benefits.

You can register to join via:

SWC can also do home visits for help and support, if you’d like. This website has more information: www.welzijncapelle.nl

Medical Care

For emergencies, call 112.

Visit primary care physician (PCP) first for medical care

For any other urgent care and regular care, visit your host family’s PCP first. In the Netherlands, the PCP is the first point of contact for medical questions, and the PCP can refer you to a specialist (in the hospital) if necessary. For specialist help, you need a referral letter from the PCP. You also need to visit the PCP for psychosocial help. and the PCP can refer you to appropriate support.

Urgent Care

For urgent care during the evenings, nights, and weekends, you can contact the PCP out-of-hours service (HAP). The PCP out-of-hours service is located in the IJsselland Ziekenhuis (Hospital).

Medical Care Costs

The government will pay some of the medical care costs. Your healthcare provider can declare the medical costs. For more information about healthcare and medical costs, go to:

Other Healthcare Questions

For any other healthcare questions, go to www.GGDRotterdamRijnmond.nl.

Other Information

Donate Money

If you want to donate money, you can do this through the campaigns by national organizations such as Giro555, the Red Cross, or Vluchtelingenwerk (Dutch Council for Refugees).

How You Can Help

Would you like to help (Ukrainian) refugees? Take a look at the Refugeehelp platform, where you will find an overview of all the different initiatives in the Netherlands: www.refugeehelp.nl/offer-help


If you have any questions for the municipality, please send an e-mail to oekraine@capelleaandenijssel.nl.